Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | People with good visualization skills please help me

Well, i've been training mindfulness for over 1 month now and with it i try to increase my visualization level, but here is

something i dont understand. I can imagine something with my mind although not much clear, i can't see the "scene" in front

of my eyelids, only in my mind, for example, i'm sure many of you tried to stare long time for an artificial light.

After that, if you close your eyes and get in some dark place, you'll start to see colorful and wandering dots.

So i will use this example to ask:

Can you guys visualize something as clear as those "dots"?

Is it suppose to visualization be clear as those dots in front of our eyelids, or just in our mind?

Also if you can leave some tips to increase visualization level i would appreciate :P

Sorry if this made you confused but i really need to know this.

Also, sorry if this thread is in wrong section

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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