Monday, December 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Am I close?

Big fan of the boards. So I found a method of moving from my frequent sleep paralysis to a semi-lucid dream. So last night what happens is I'll wake up in my room I have a cold so I try to get a drink I can't move and realize dream time.

To get out of paralysis I have to lift my leg up with my hands slowly it's all very strange. Once I'm up I go to get a drink so I'm still not in full control. I tell myself if this is a dream then walking into parents room will be full blown proof (such as strange tv. Clocks off. Etc.) But I never get past this part and return to bed to wakeup for real this time. When I would take a drink it never really quenched my dry throat. It's strange drinking water with no physical feeling or coolness down throat.

I normally get stuck in my room during these events. And either mess with my non working phone or clock in room trying to set correct time. So lately they are off and away so I got a step further. It's all so strange.

Normally the lucid dreams where I run around in some random dreamscape are easier to control than waking up in my own bed and whatnot. Sorry I don't know what I'm going on about probably doesn't make sense.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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