Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | My experiences and a few questions

Oh so let me Start off by saying that I have been lucid in exactly 2 Dreams but only for a 1 sec which consisted of me thinking "wait... I'm dreaming"

Now let me tell you one of my Dreams where I became lucid:

My Dream

I was in my House and I passed by my Dad Watching TV in the living room. I then went to my room, I Tried to turn on the light but it didn't turn on. So Subconsciously, since I didn't know I was dreaming I thought, "hmm the Power must have went out." So I turned around and went to the Living Room to tell My Dad but on the way there. I was like wait... Why would the power be out if my Dad was just watching TV. I then realized it was dream. But a Split second after, I was awake in Sleep paralysis.

What Happen After the Dream Ended

When I woke up I sorta of panicked so I tried to sit up. But was in Sleep paralysis. I felt myself move but This Rubber banding force keep pulling me back. (I think it is my Astral Body, Not sure though). Then my conscious mind remembered that it was Sleep Paralysis. I tried to keep calm. I layed there for about 7-12 Seconds in Sleep paralysis. Then after about 10 seconds. I really felt the paralysis, I felt really heavy, not like a weight on my chest but like my blanket was made of lead. Also everything turned really Black. Darker then when i was in the other Sleep Paralysis state. It was a new feeling Since I thought the other state was sleep paralysis. But I tried to keep calm. I thought that maybe that was my dream. and I was just thinking of Black. Which was why I only saw Black. But nothing Happened after a few Seconds of thinking of other thinks. So I Panicked and I consciously woke myself back up.

Kind of upset that I didn't continue to see where the Blackness led. But I'm going to try FILD Tonight.

Anyone can Explain to me what those two different states of Sleep Paralysis were?

Also I have a few questions about FILD if anyone is familiar with it and has done it successfully before.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://www.dreamviews.com/showthread.php?t=155642&goto=newpost

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