Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Critique My WILD

Hello all, I have just recently found interest in lucid dreaming and have decided to use the WILD technique. I haven't even gotten to sleep paralysis yet (even though I know that it is not needed for WILD) and haven't had any tingles or vibrations like many other uses have reported. I wake up, lay still for around ten or so minutes, and then fall asleep due to boredom and exhaustion. I'm going to write out exactly what I am doing, and maybe you guys will be able to find something crucial that is restricting me from becoming lucid. I am also doing reality checks throughout the day and have been recording dreams.

Wake up in the middle of the night (bedtime usually 10, been waking up anywhere from 2-5 in the morning

I wake up by an alarm clock on my phone, so I have to turn it off and then occasionally use the bathroom

Lie down on my back, hands on my side


This is what I do pretty much every night, and have gotten no results yet.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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