Monday, December 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | I can't WILD no matter what, extremely quick and heavy sleeper

Hey everyone,

I strictly want to WILD or DEILD.

Here's the problem.

I try to WILD when I go to bed because I sleep very little, and fall asleep very easily so I think I must get REM early on or REM rebound sometimes so I give it a go - and I know you can have LDs in NREM anyway.. I lay down and count my breaths, or I listen to my tinnitus, I've tried a lot and I just end up falling asleep within 1-2mins, yesterday I tried sleeping with my arm straight up in the air, I fell asleep and I guess it slowly went down somehow! lol

I always set an alarm about 2hrs after I sleep to try and WILD again or DEILD, but I'm in zombie-mode and 'never' remember to try!

I want to do this so badly, and I do want to try and do it when I would normally sleep because it would suit me better - for now I would just love a way to lay in bed, mentally aware, without falling to sleep.. I'm considering using pain because nothing else is working, like - a clamp/bulldog clip on my arm, I'm not sure yet!

I'm desperate and I would appreciate any input, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Thanks guys :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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