Saturday, December 13, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Self-inception experiment

I'm quite sure someone must have posted about this before, but I wanted to share my experience. Having been into lucid dreaming for a year and a half, I hadn't had a great deal of success before, but it occurred to me some months ago that I could try and repeat a mantra within a lucid dream and see if it was more efficient. After a dry spell of two months (during October and November I only had two lucid dreams), I decided I'd try it.

So, when I got lucid on the 21st of November, I said "all of my dreams are lucid", and the aim was to repeat the mantra every time I got lucid from that point on. In the three weeks that have passed, I have had nine lucid dreams, which is by far the most successful I've ever been. The last three days in a row, in fact, I've had a lucid per night. Could it be a coincidence? Yes. Could it be placebo, because I was quite sure it'd make a difference? Yes. But I'd rather think it has indeed made a difference.

Has anyone tried and had it working? I'm curious, please post your opinions and feel free to try it out if you haven't and report back :bliss:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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