Friday, December 5, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Having trouble getting back to sleep when trying to WILD

Recently iv been trying to lucid dream again, probably for the 6th time (i really want to i just keep loosing my motivation) any way, iv been doing RCs, writing in my dream journal and thinking about getting lucid a lot during the day. Its only been 5 days since i started so no lucids yet. The problem iv been having is, when i wake up between 4 and 6 (not intentionally) and i try to get myself to WILD, i cant get back to sleep for ages, like over an hour usually of just tossing, then a really light sleep. Im a student nurse so i was on shift work until a few weeks ago, which meant getting up at 5:30 and i was thinking that might have something to do with it, my body thinks its time to get going when i wake around these times? I usually only get up for 5 minutes before i WILD because im tired, but maybe if i tried getting up for longer? I feel like that my exacerbate the problem because id be more awake. Iv tried the counting backwards from 100 technique and a few others. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a way to use it to my lucid dreaming advantage?

Oh and while im posting, has anyone had any good experiences with binaural beats? Id like to be able to lucid completely independently but iv heard a bit about them and its peaked my curiosity.

thanks a million! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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