Saturday, December 27, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | (N)REM barriers - the reason of not achieving lucidity

I asked myself a simple question: Why do I sometimes have lucid dreams and sometimes not, if the activities, such as induction technique and WBTB are the same?

This question troubled me a lot, but I think maybe I found the answer. Whether I'm gonna have lucid dream today or not is primary affected by sleep pattern that follows after WBTB. Everybody knows those textbook hypnograms... They looks all the same and this can cause false though that they truly are the same and not changing every night, which is not true. Our sleep pattern is unique and different every night influenced by many, many factors. Recently I try to measure and study those patterns by EEG device ZEO with my skills in lucid dreaming. I would like to present you what I've found so far.

This is the most important thing I've observed:

Chances of success to achieve a lucid dream is directly proportional to lenght and depth of Non-REM sleep prior to REM sleep. I call it (N)REM barrier, because it is litterary barrier which stands between you and your goal to become lucid. The longer the barrier is, there is lesser chance to become lucid.

1. Non LUCID DREAMING -This picture shows my non-lucid dreaming after WBTB with my usual induction technique:

2. DILD - My DILD (Dream initiated lucid dream) captured on ZEO:

3. WILD - WILD and 2 DILDs:

You can see that if there is no NREM barriers, it's easy to do WILD (which happens rare for me). NREM barriers also explains WILDs with the small gap on the beggining of lucid dreaming which are actually DILDs with small NREM barrier.

Note that this is my own hypotesis based on my little experimatal evidence.

Next thing I would like to measure is the impact of ld supplements on the NREM barriers with lenght and success rate of lucidity.

What is essential now is figure out, how to reliably control and influence our sleep pattern such as NREM barrier. Certain supplements seems as potent aproach but there is much more possibilities!


WILD.pngDILD.pngnon lucid.png

Attached Images

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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