Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need tips!

Hello everyone, my name is Mehmet. The thing i want most right now is to have a lucid dream, i want to REALLY REALLY bad. I envy all the people who can. I´m getting all teary-eyed right now thinking about all the fucking things i could do in a ld. WILDing never worked for me, every time i tried doing it i couldn't stop swallowing and when i feel sensations i get really excited and ruin it. With DILD i tried doing RC's for 1/2 days and i kept forgetting to do one. Also because nothing happened i lost my motivation and kept doing less rc's and eventually stopped. I have also tried doing ADA, but that was really hard to do, i only did this for one day. A couple of weeks ago i tried doing a environment RC. Everytime i got to a new place i asked myself where am i and how did i get here. I did this for 3/4 days. I also don't keep a dream journal because it's really hard for me to do. When i'm going to bed i think to myself when i wake up i'm going to write my dreams in my dj but when i wake up i'm like fuck lucid dreaming i'm too tired and i want to sleep (i sleep for 5/6 hours everyday sometimes less) Please give me some tips!!

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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