Thursday, December 18, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Practicing self-awareness and SSILD for 10 weeks

As you know, self-awareness is one of the most important part of frequent lucid dreaming. Of course it's an ability that can be learn after lots of practice. There are many ways to improve it. Here, we would practice self-awareness in this way:

1- Every 30 minutes, stop and deeply ask your self:

- where am i?

- am i dreaming?

- how do i know that i am awake or dreaming? as in my dreams, i always think i am awake and every thing make sense to me, so maybe this is another dream too?

- how can i come out of this confusing situation?

2- when you feel crazy of doubt and you really don't know where the hell you are, then do an RC.

In fact, RC is an angle to help you come out of the confusion of being awake or dreaming.

Do not RC if you are not in serious doubt yet... you should not do RC like a zombie.. so, every time before you RC, you should expect to be surprised of being inside a dream!

3- between these 30 minutes, try to maintain a little of your awareness too.

The depth of your doubt in waking state is nearly equal to your doubts in your sleep. so if you are even 1% sure that you are awake, then you are not done yet. I mean, you MUST be 100% confused of being awake or dreaming while you RC.

As you may not like dream journaling, so you can do SSILD before bed to boost awareness in your dreams and also to be able to remember your dreams with high vividness and clarity..

As it takes time to increase our self-awareness, then we may not want to post our results here everyday. we should report our progress only every week! If we have questions, we can ask them here too!

good luck mates!

(Special thanks to those who has helped to create this thread:))

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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