Thursday, December 4, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Should I save for the Aurora Mask?

Do you guys think the Aurora sounds promising and worth it?

If so, I could save and have enough money to buy it in early November.

Initially I was gonna spend my money on supplements,

But I thought it'd be a great idea

To practice my recall on my own and stuff for now,

Save my money, then by the time of early 2015 I should be skilled be skilled enough and have more luck with the Aurora (:

Tell me what you guys think:

~What do you think about being able to use person recordings to play in your dream?

I absolutely think it would be perfect to record myself saying "You're Dreaming,Take Controll"

~Will you buy it?

~Does it sound promising?

~Does the "REM-Detect" almost guarantee lucidity since the alerts will occur during our REM Sleep?

It would be so nice to just throw on a mask and expect to have An amazing night without the use of supplements lol

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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