Friday, December 19, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Long Term Lucid Dreaming Technique - Single Pointed Awareness of Singleness

Hello everyone,

I would like to share a special technique that will help with the following things, pertaining to lucid dreaming,

-Dream recall

-Attaining lucidity

-Maintaining lucidity

-Higher degree of control within dreams

-Higher degree of awareness within dreams

In short, this technique will help in all aspects of lucid dreaming. Before I describe the technique, I must first explain the theory behind the technique.

All methods of lucid dream mastery are based around solving a central problem. This problem is the fragmentation of mind. Our mind is split up into the conscious mind, subconscious mind, the unconscious mind, etc. When we sleep, our conscious mind becomes less dominant, and all lucid dreaming methods are centered around making the conscious mind more dominant during the stages of sleep.

It is a common phenomena that certain lucid dreaming techniques will stop working. For example, you could use one reality check, such as trying to poke your finger through your hand, and have it work consistently, and then have that method stop working. It's as if we're at odds with our own subconscious mind, battling with it to gain control. It's a lot like those 'spy vs spy' cartoons.

The goal of this special method is to bring our inner minds into harmony with each other, by gradually de-fragmenting our mind(s) into a single whole mind, which works in harmony with itself. As our mind becomes more and more whole by using this method, the battling will stop, and the mind will work more and more towards solving goals (such as lucid dreaming) collaboratively. If the mind is whole, and decides to have a lucid dream, what is there to stop it? Once the mind is whole, there is no conscious mind, subconscious mind, etc, there is only the mind.


This is a very simple method. There is something called "single pointed awareness" used by monks to attain high levels of concentration during meditation. They focus on just one single object and nothing more, such as focusing on chanting a mantra over and over. Well this method is kind of like that, with the object of meditation being "singleness". This method can be called Single Pointed Awareness on Singleness. Or you could call it Singular Focus on Singularity. Or Meditation on Oneness.

With this method, you keep your attention constantly on oneness at all times, even while sleeping. To do that, you can simply hold the word "one" in your mind, and put your attention upon the holding of the word "one". Do not say the word "one" over and over again in your mind. Don't visualize the word "one". You simply think "one". Just think one. Think "one" and don't stop thinking one.

Of course there will be times when you will not be able to think "one", such as when reading. After some practice, you'll find that you naturally stop thinking "one" when some other activity requires your full attention, and then start thinking it again once that activity is over. Or you may find that you were still thinking "one", but just didn't notice it because the other activity became dominant.

Also, this is the practice of great sages - it can and will lead to supreme enlightenment to the nature of reality.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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