Sunday, December 7, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Difficult to keep up mantra


I have started to learn lucid dreaming following LaBerge's 'Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming' and have been trying to improve my recall along with some daytime awareness techniques (mostly SAT and RC'ing), light meditation (Dream Yoga) and WBTB combined with SSILD and MILD.

So far everything is going quite well. My recall is improving (although it is fluctuation quite a lot, I definitely see improvement), meditative skills are improving and the SSILD cycles are no problem if I do them while sitting.

The one thing that I cannot seem to do succesfully is the MILD; especially using a mantra proves to be very difficult. I start repeating the mantra in my head (I use 'I will recall my dreams' or 'I will be lucid') but after 10-20 repetitions at most I lose focus. Sometimes, I remember having to do the mantra on time and I start over, but mostly I fall asleep quite quickly.

How do you guys keep awareness while repeating your mantra? I cannot fall asleep while repeating it, my thoughts always drift off before.


via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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