Monday, December 8, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Self-Control Issues

Hi, everyone! This is literally my first time posting on any forum ever, so if I do wrong, cut me some slack! :cheeky: So, to the point. I've been lurking on DV for around a month now, and I have studied all I could about LDing, and have trained to a point to where I DILD in almost every dream! The thing is, is that it's hard to control myself. It feels like I give my brain a set of objectives before bed, and when I LD, a mindlessly carry them out. It's really hard to explain. Like, I don't take opportunities into account. Last night, I wanted to LD about having wings, and flying around, so before bed, I did my mantra and all, and I did get into a lucid, literally all I did is wish up some wings. I tried to fly around for a bit, but I didn't have any thoughts, like "How could I fly better?" But it's almost like a normal dream, in the fact that it feels nothing like reality, everything is fuzzy, but I don't acknowledge it to be so. The landscape is blurry, and I feel like a mindless zombie, carrying out the tasks that I had set for myself before sleeping, despite me doing ALL the things I have trained about doing (Reality Check, Hand friction stabilization, staying calm) Again, I use DILD. So in good judgement, could someone experienced PLEASE help me?! Thank you! -Ian


I feel like a mindless zombie carrying out the tasks I set for myself before bed, being absent of thought.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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