Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Deja Vu Lucid Dream reality check? (read bottom recommended)

Hey guys, first things first, I'm not sure if what I'm talking about is going to be Deja Vu or Deja Reve, I don't really know the difference between them two. Anyways, this is a thought that came to mind when I was watching PercyLucid's induction videos, I think he made them. Is it possible to become lucid doing awareness and reality check every time you have the Deja Vu feeling?

Say you are dreaming, and then you dream of the past, but you think it's just Deja Vu, you then do the reality check and know it's a dream, would that be possible? I'm just thinking that because Lucid Dreaming and Deja Vu feeling have the same concept to me, they both feel real but un-real. Since they feel the same and you do a RC each time you get Deja Vu, would it help the LDer more?

It's also a rare occasion to feel that way, but in dreams it can also happen, right?

But hey, this is just my thought, sorry if this is a pointless post, I just thought of it and wanted to get it off of my mind, basically I was wondering if it would be a more efficient reality check? Thanks guys. :laughhard::)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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