Monday, December 29, 2014

Lucid Dreaming | Need URGENT help !

Hello guys :)

I need help. Every time I tried to lucid dream, I failed or got kinda trolled.

I am attempting to W.I.L.D every night after 4-5 hours of sleep. I tried different methods to lucid dream, DIDL/MILD and WILD, but none of them give me the result I wanted to. But I have some experiences with LD sort of. I think I am the most unlucky guy ever.

So, I was trying to WILD one night, was very close, even my breathing was very very slow, fell asleep 

Then I have some random LD situations. I was in my room, tryed to switch the light on, I was about to realize that I am dreaming, bum ringing phone woke me up. Another time, totally random, realized I am dreaming, everything was soo vivid at once, phone ring woke me up.

But the strangest exprience, you know, I set my alarm clock 4-5 hours after I went sleep to try wild. But this one was really strange. I was in a dream, realized I am dreaming bum phone woke me up, I remember I slowly opened my eyes ( was pissed a lot coz I failed ) but at the same time I turned off my phone but I dont remember that and fell asleep insantly. Next dream started but I though I am already lucid ( like I did not even wake up ) and I was like „Hmm, I am dreaming, but this is kinda weird“ I tried to stabilize the dream, but all of this, was only part of a non lucid dream so I had no control over my dream at all. I remember I even tryed to spin to stabilize the dream.

So, I only get to a part in my whole experience, where everything became sooo clear soo vivid, but that is all. I got woken up by phone.

I am trying for more than half of the year without any success. What could you recommend to me guys ? I read a lot on all over the internet and saw dozens of videos via youtube.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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