Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Top 10 Survival Items for a Survival Kit

This is a popular topic among survival & preparedness forums all over the ‘net. The list of items and different ways of ranking them are probably endless. There are a huge variety of factors that could go into deciding on what to include in a survival kit -including but not limited to weather, geographical region, hostile terrain or not, length of “event”, etc. Figured I would post my list here.

1. fire starting kit
2. LED flashlight/batteries
3. 550 para-cord
4. multi-tool
5. weapon (insert choice here)
6. food pack (MRE’s, freeze dried, energy bars)
7. water filter (Lifestraw)
8. tent or a tarp
9. sleeping bag
10. Picture of loved ones

Luckily we are not limited to only 10 items as there are a few obvious ones that I left out.

How about you?



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