Sunday, August 2, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | WILD - Every Night in the Twightlight Zone!

hi everyone, i have been attempting to WILD for 2 months now and although I have had some success, about 99% of the time I find myself in a headspace that I just dont understand (I call it the twightlight zone). I have trawled forums but can never find any info on this but im sure every wilder experiences this all the time so I hope that someone here can help as once I solve this mystery then i believe I will be able to WILD every single night.

I will use last nights WILD attempt as an example

I WBTB after 6 hours. Now I know for sure that if i was to fall back asleep right now that i would have a good 2 hours of non lucid vivid dreams. This leads me to know that my WBTB timing is spot on for REM.

Ok, so I stayed up for 15 mins then layed back down, deep breathing, relaxing the body, feeling confident and then when i feel drowsy and on the edge of sleep i introduce a mantra 'stay aware, awareness, stay aware, awareness' As i repeat this in the back of my mind the whole amazing side show begins .... I will feel my mouth and jaw feel strange, my fingers and hands will feel numb / tingly, i will have some swirly stuff going on, i will have visual hallucinations, (i know they are not dreams) and all manner of weird stuff will happen. Im experienced to know that i can take all of these goings on and term them under the umbrella of 'HI' and 'HH'

At no time am i scared, i am able to keep very still and i lay there looking forward to a lucid dream whilst enjoying the lead up to it

The problem is that i just tend to stay in this twightlight zone for ages, some times up to 90 minutes! and then its time to get up or i give up

Now heres what I need to know. During that 90 mins twightlight zone stuff, i am deeply relaxed and i am very conscious of what is going of, if someone came into the room then i would be able to answer them if they asked a questions. Now there are 5 places this twightlight stage could be.

a) I could be awake
b) I could be in stage 1 sleep
c) i could be in stage 2 sleep
d) i could be in stage 3 sleep
e) I could be in rem

Now I can eliminate 'd' as deep sleep has passed, i can eliminate 'b' stage 1 sleep as im led to believe that the early hours after wbtb consist of stage 2 and rem. I can also eliminate 'e' as im not in rem as im not dreaming

So was i awake for those 90 mins or was i in stage 2 sleep?

If i was in stage 2 sleep, im unsure of how i could be so aware of my external surroundings ( i would easily be able to just get out of bed or if someone asked if I was asleep i would say 'no' and even so, where was my rem???? :-(

But if im awake then how am i able to feel such a wide range of physical and mental sensations ranging from numbness to hearing myself snoring to dream snippets that are as real as a 2D film?

Can anyone help. I feel that once I have solved this part then i will figure how to become lucid from there and as im in this situation every night then logically i can learn to WILD every night. Looking forward to some replys

Thanks guys

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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