Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Reality check Woke Me Up

Well after a couple of half arsed days of practising a RC, checking my hands, I had my first RC this moring, am in the middle of this dream in a restaurant kitchen and out of nowhere think to check my hands, several of the fingers being bent straight back from the second knuckle, realise that I must be dreaming but also realize I have noway at all of controlling anything/creating anything and of course wake up.

I guess this is very common? Also I read maybe this is because I was towards the end of my REM cycle? Woke at like 5am, back to sleep about 6:30 and the RC happened after going back to sleep, RC woke me at 7:30.

What worries me about this is my lack of mental capability/clarity in be able to control and create in a lucid dream. Wondering what techniques I can use/practise to get control after becoming lucid?

The very weird part about it all was I fell straight back to sleep after the RC woke me and dreamt that I was teaching this other guy about lucid dreaming and some of the techniques to use to RC, I was even showing him the looking at your hands technique, with my own hands, of course never occurred to me to RC then :lol:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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