Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Reducing reliance on crutches

I have decided that a part of my methodology for attaining lucidity needs to be eliminating or reducing my reliance on crutches, and I don't mean literal crutches, but crutches such as the following:

Caffeine (already reduced, but I can do even better)

Sugar (need to work on that)

IPhone and DreamViews / Social Media (sorry, if successful, you may see me here less, I am an iPhone and DV addict, and that's not good)

And added to the list today: my glasses. I am severely short sighted, but does that really mean that I need to use my glasses all the time? I just took my glasses off during a walk, and became more aware of my senses, including eyesight which I needed to struggle with. Then I came home and exercised to the Wii (Just Dance 3) without my glasses, and you would think my glasses benefit me there by allowing me to follow the movements of the dancers on screen better, not so! I scored as well without glasses as with them. And I noticed my sweat more. My glasses have allowed my eyes to get lazy, and I am not compensating as much for poor eyesight with other senses as I should. Of course, I will still drive with my glasses and use them for various activities where really needed, but I plan to start asking myself, "Do I really need my glasses for this activity?"

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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