Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Random LD in a dream, but when I made a reality check I was not lucid.

I've searched some posts about failed RCs. Then, I realized that you need to believe in the RC to happen. This was months ago...

My current RCs are: Trying to fly (One strange thing, I can only fly backwards lol is it normal?) and check how many fingers I have in my hand (this is the most effective for me, I'll explain later). The finger crossing the hand have failed to me every time I try it in the dream, the nose one I never remember to use in dream.

I make this 4 RCs every time I wake up, at 16h (I use an alarm clock) and before sleep.

So the problem is, after reading a lot, I've started to travel more in the world of LD. But most of the time they're random, only 2 I've became lucid with RC.

So a few days ago, I had a dream and did the examination of the hand (I realized that this is a good one for both a RC and getting stability, one of my biggest problems is stabilize the lucidity). Then it worked! I count the fingers in my hand and there was 7! Then I get excited and almost woke up, so I've tried to calm myself and examine the hand, I was both lucid and excited. Even start to feel weird, because 2 of theses fingers was like my foot fingers in my hand lol o.o

Yesterday night I had another dream:

I was in the house of my father, it was really different that it is in the awake life. I was sleeping and my dad woke me up (in the dream), as I always do I sleeped again a little and then I saw a tall guy in black clothes near my bed, I feel it strange then my father woke me up again and that man disappeared, so I realize that it was a dream. I've got excited and tried to sleep again, then this time the same tall man was dressed in blue, and was trying to get me. I was in the same bed, and I knew that this was a dream, so I thinked "I wish this guy that is trying to get me was a woman wishing sex" it worked and I've become really happy :D sadly it only last few seconds...

So my dad was in the door and woke me up for the third time, I was with my hand under the pants that were dirty, so I was afraid that everyone in my family could make fun of me and went to the bath.

The dream in the dream was lucid, but the whole dream wasn't.

It was a long dream, I thought I was awake all that time. My family was making a barbecue party, but randomly in the party I've made the finger count reality check. It worked! I saw my hand with 7 normal fingers, but even with that, only 2 things happened. First I was really fascinated with my hand and started to laugh alone like a crazy guy that laughs from random things lol. Second, my dream became more clear and vivid, even not lucid.

This made my dream really amazing! There was infinite meat in the fire, and it that extra vividness make the taste even better! But I was not lucid! How? The reality check worked the way I expected! Is it normal to do RC and don't become lucid?? What am I doing wrong? Most of the time I get lucid randomly... Another fact, I always use melatonine to increase the chances of LD.

That night I drank 1l of maracujá juice(don't know english word, I think it is passiflora or something, it makes a better sleep), 12,5 mg of melatonine and fish sandwich (B vitamins)

Could someone please help me? Sorry for the bad english, this isn't my mother language, Thanks

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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