Sunday, June 30, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | A dream within a dream causing lucidity.

A friend of mine told me about lucid dreaming a month ago. I was sceptical at first but later I googled "lucid dreaming" and eventually came here. Somehow the first thing I read was Sageous fundamentals thread. This one really got me.

I`ve been interested in psychology and self improvement for 6 years now. I have found Eckhart Tolle`s teachings a 1.5 years ago and been practicing living in the Now, which is basically awareness. So I thought that this awareness and my strong waking memory will help me to progress quickly.

When I`m interested in something I tend to focus on in until I achieve my goals. This happened with lucid dreaming as well. I managed to read all the sticky threads as well all last month threads, I practiced reality checking every half and hour, tried almost all techniques.

The first 10 days were very fruitful as I managed to recall on average 2 dreams at night as well as all dreams that I remembered from my entire life /more than 50/. I had my first lucid which was 5 minute long in which I performed multiple reality checks as well as flied.

Then I overburned and the problem was too much expectation as well as destroying my sleeping shedule because I decided to go to bed much earlier and incorporate WBTB which turned into 2-3 hours waking periods in which I got nervous because of failed WILD attempts and eventually I recalled nothing in the morning. It got worse but I had a 10 second lucid 2 days ago in which I recognised it was a dream did a look at fingers reality check I`ve been practicing hard for the last month decided I want to teleport but failed and woke up.

Yesterday I was pissed as I had a terrible night and in the morning I decided to give myself a break because it started to become too overwhelming. So for the first day I didn`t do any reality checks /even awareness/ and was in my worst mood for 2-3 months now. I went to bed at 00:30 am with no mantras and intention. The night that followed was a blast and something that I haven`t expected at all: here follows my best dream probably in my entire life.

We were sitting near a camp fire in the forest with the friend of mine who told me about lucid dreaming together with two girls who appeared to be our girlfriends. The girls were DCs. All 4 of us appeared to have as a hobby lucid dreaming which we discussed for something which appeared to be 20 minutes. Me and my girlfriend went to our tent and we had a talk and she told me he has a task for me which is very important for our dream life as well as the real life. We went to sleep than I left my dreaming dreaming body in the tent and I became lucid. I knew I was dreaming so certainly that I didn`t even bothered with reality checks. The sight of my dreaming dreaming body was quite enough for me. I went back to the campfire as my friends started to have sex. They did`t see me as I considered myself invisible but I decided that although I could stay, my dream quest was much more important.

Next I found myself in a city which looked like Florence from Da Vinci`s Demons series as well as a steampunk influenced city. As I became lucid I reached vividness and stability in the dream that has never happened to me before. I thought that my quest is find/chase someone who has skills in this world as well so I`d better hone my abilities as well. I jumped and it was 2 meters /7 feet/ jump. I spend next 10 minutes improving my jumping and eventually jumped over 3 guys in the street. One of them I knew and he chased me and told me that I was showing off. So I decided that jumping was not good enough and I summoned a steam punk device which made me something like spiderman. I attached a hook to a building and moved rapidly towards it /this is one of the methods of flying I read about in the flying tutorial here/. I practiced with my new device as well and felt very advanced at movement now. As I flew around the city I saw the shadow of someone who entered the highest window of the highest building. I knew he was the one who I was looking for. Then I entered the same window and chased his shadow down the building. He was fast as was I. When we reached the huge living room I found that he was the Frog King who introduced himself as a very respected and wise nobleman and advanced dreamer who brought me here to tell me something important about my quest. We had a talk which unfortunatelly I don`t remember but in the end with the sence that I acomplished my quest I spend another 10 minutes flying around the city returning to my starting point. I teleported to the campfire again, saw my dreaming dreaming body again with my dreaming girlfriend and merged with it.

That everything became more blurry and I might have lost lucidity but I woke my girlfriend told her everything and eventually recieved my reward :banana: :banana:

I woke up literaly stunned. I spend recording in my dream journal for the next hour and had one more dream telling people I know about this dream. In the morning I felt like my subconcious has been preparing for this dream the whole month and sent me it the night I wasa considering giving up. It is the longest and most vivid dream I can ever recall. My dream control was beyond what I thought I am capable of as well. Now my motivation is as strong as it has ever been.

Now I have several questions.

First of all I have never had any sounds in a dream. When a DC talks to me I recieve the information teleparically. How to turn the sound on ? Why I can`t recall what exactly DC talk to me? Was this a dream within a dream thing too bizzare and what do you think about it ?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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