Thursday, June 13, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | The more aware I become, the weirder reality becomes

Has anyone else observed this?

The more aware I become, the weirder reality becomes. Who ever said that waking like is normal and that weirdness means that we are dreaming? If you believe that, then you must live in a reality that is different from the one I inhabit.

Yesterday I saw an office document that had a paragraph in Latin in it out of some unexplained reason. My boss assured me that he had run it through google translator, which identified the language as Latin, but translated it to gibberish. And I was not dreaming.

Today I got into my car after work, and its hazard lights turned on and so did the horn as if it had a car alarm, but our car has no car alarm! I had to double heck several times that I got in fact into my own car, and that I was not dreaming.

Other weird stuff too, but not interesting enough, still keeps me on my toes. That's weird. Am I dreaming? How can I not be dreaming? Reality is not supposed to be weird like that, you know?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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