Saturday, June 22, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | The problem with summer

So a week or two into summer for the past few summers, I can't stop having difficult dreams (not nightmares or anything) about being in school. It's not even that bad things happen in them besides being at school, it's just that it's like my brain knows what day it is, because I always say out loud in the dream "You can't have me in school in the middle of summer, I'm leaving". Or something like that. But I rarely do.

It's very stressful to me, I wake up almost as stressed as actually being in school and it's ruining my summers. You think it'd be easy to train yourself that you're not supposed to be in school, and if you are, you're dreaming. It's not. I've yet to realize I'm in a dream when one of these happens.

"Neuro Sleep" has helped me have more fun and vivid dreams (not necessarily lucid) in the past, so I might try that tonight. But I doubt that will continue to work for the rest of summer.

Any tips to at least stop dreaming about being in school?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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