Saturday, June 29, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Lucidity on a subconscious level?

For a few years now I've wondered if I'm sometimes aware on a subconsciuos level or at the back of my consciuos mind that I'm dreaming and as a result don't think about it to become lucid. Some dreams become lucid spontaneously for mo apparant reason and some because I mention it to a DC in conversation, the latter telling me that I was aware but not thinking about it.

A recent event really got me thinking though. A while ago I started using telekenesis in LD's. Since this, I occasionally do it in non-lucids, I have roughly the same skill level and method. Its almost as if I've taught my subconscious that it can be done in a dream and now its used in regular dreams. I had a dream a few weeks ago where I was in a room full of people and I was demonstrating telekenesis to them, but wouldn't tell them how I did it. A bit later when I was walking around outside, I saw one of the people who was there earlier, I asked her if she would like to know how I used telekenesis. She said yes and was very curious, I told her that it was because it was my dream. That dream became lucid then. It's also an example of what I said earlier about how I sometimes casually tell a DC I'm dreaming without thinking it to myself before.

I don't really know what to make of it all though. Was I lucid at the very back of my conscious mind? Am I often like this? Really makes me wonder. I sometimes have non-lucids where something doesn't go to plan and I rewind time to "try again".

Another point would be if there is some awareness of dreaming without actually thinking about it, could this be harnessed somehow to get more lucids?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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