Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | How Am I Doing?

Hi everyone.:)

i have been working on SHILD= (self hypnosis induced lucid dreams) these two weeks.

So far i had two dreams where i knew i was lucid and that i could do whatever i wanted. But i was still driven by the dream and only "believed" i controlled my actions.:(

another one was about me in bed about to induce a SHILD.

I see it all as good progress but i wanted to know what some of you thought. can i truly get a real lucid dream by this?:shock: Or do i have to change some of my suggestions.:?

My suggestions are as following:

"My subconscious will help me into a lucid dream"

"I am capable of having a lucid dream, lucid dreaming is easy for me"

"All of my dreams are lucid dreams i have one every night"

So please tell me what you think.:cheeky:

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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