Friday, June 21, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | Baby Steps

At 69 I might well be the oldest person ever to have attempted to become this journey is interesting. Nothing's happening fast, but I am inching forward. It might be better long-term, to concentrate on one aspect and really drill away at that...but, for now, I'm spreading it around just to see what happens and what looks most promising. I've got the mantras, RC's etc. I know most of the drills and I have a fair idea what to expect... although it will still be mind-blowing when it happens of course.

WBTB + WILD really interests me. I tried WILDing twice during the day yesterday (without WBTB). Although that's not the normal way of course, something happened (more the second time than the first) I can now easily get to the stage where my arms and shoulders feel dead. (should my whole body feel dead?)

Now I view the itchy/scratchy part as a stage I don't have much of a problem with it. Interestingly, I didn't hit the problem with breathing during either attempt...but I got colour. It was a yellowy-green patch in the centre of my vision at the first attempt and it gradually filled almost all of my vision at the second attempt. I give up when I get into cycles of feeling that something is about to happen than it fades off...then again...and so on.

I can't spend the whole day experimenting of course so I eventually have to terminate the try. I did notice after the second attempt that there was residual effects on one of my arms, that lasted for a short while

I'm waking a few times at night, after dreams...because I can sense them, but some are eluding me (even more work on laying still after waking) steps...but this baby is toddling forward... (some baby!) bb05.jpg

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via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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