Monday, June 17, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | I cant get lucid dreams anymore?

Hey guys,I'm new to this forum. Im having difficulty lucid dreaming. I started lucid dreaming about 1 month ago and starting to have a dry spell. This dry spell has actually been going for 2 weeks. Last time I had a lucid dream was almost 2 weeks ago on June 7th. I don't know what is wrong with me. I've been trying the MILD and DILD techniques. I've also started using KingYoshi's ADA with the DILDs. Am I doing something wrong? All I've been getting the past 2 weeks are regular dreams. I get about 2-5 dreams per night and I write them down every morning. However some of them were quite obvious that I was dreaming. Most of the dreams are set in my school,however my school year is over. I wake up every morning mad at myself because I should've realized that I'm on summer break and not in school,so I could've went lucid. I think Im doing it wrong. I try to MILD right as I go to sleep,I do that with DILDs too. Should I set an alarm 4 hours after I go to bed and then try to MILD?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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