Sunday, June 9, 2013

Lucid Dreaming | My pet hat awareness

So this past week, I have been doing the awareness exercises from the MILD chapter of EWOLD, where I have a list of four things to notice that day. And in EWOLD I am supposed to just notice the next occupance of the four things, but I decided to just throughout the day watch out for them. Today is Sunday, so I am watching out for pets/animals, myself in the mirror, turning on light, and flowers. Earlier this morning I made a point of consciously looking in a mirror when I may not have chosen to do so otherwise. For the pets/animals, I noticed birds, bugs, a stuffed animal I decided to count. Then later on I noticed a hat if mine, and it occurred to me that if I can think of the stuffed animal that way, why not the hat? It can be my pet hat, and I can be aware of it. After all the point is not to just notice pets, but the point is to be aware, and I am aware of my hat as a pet, so there! :)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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