Friday, December 4, 2015

Efforts in preparedness organization

Organizing supplies is going well but taking longer than I would like. Trying to use some common sense in placing those items used more frequently to be most accessible while those rarely needed stuck in the back behind something.

I have ammunition housed in ammo cans and labeled by caliber and quantity. Those are meant for storage while other boxes are shelved in a cabinet for everyday use. Basically the ammo cans are hands off “hold ’till the SHTF” and practice/plinking ammo sits on the shelf.


Food has been a major obstacle as the wife and I are on opposite ends of the opinion spectrum. She feels we have enough and I feel we are not even close. During the Fall and Winter I do store more food – canned and buckets –  in the garage due to lower temps. I just recently carried several cases of LDS canned foods up to the master bedroom and slid them under the bed. There was nothing occupying that space besides a random sock and an occasional cat.

Weapons are not a huge deal other than my gun safe is PACKED and I need a second. Funds to not provide a Liberty though I hope to pick up another in the Spring or Summer. Not sure why I am capitalizing the seasons. Guess just showing Mother Nature some respect. There I go again….

I have a bunch of totes for Medical, Cooking, Light, Defense, etc. Each tote holds a variety of supplies within that category. The Defense tote for example holds a bunch of extra magazines – for use and for barter/sale – as well as misc slings, grips, and even a couple of red dots and flashlight mounts.

I will consider my organization complete when I have a place for everything and a complete inventory. I have done it before but then got slack keeping it up. Another “next year” project is to purchase a small trailer to pull with my Jeep – or Expedition. This trailer would be preloaded with supplies so if an evac needed to happen it can be hooked up and “ZOOM!!” – outta here.

Gotta get back to it.

Take care all –





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