Thursday, December 31, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | 2016: Year of Awareness, Gravity and Lucidity

Inspired by the many wonderful lucid dreamers on this site and Fryingman's 2015: Year of the Breath, meditation, WBTB, confidence and dedication I have decided to embark on a large new years 'resolucid'. I shall make 2016 the year in which I develop awareness of my dreams and crack my own personal code to lucidity. If nothing else this year will teach me a lot about how my own dreams and awareness works and what improvements and changes I should make.

So, how shall I focus this awareness? I've decided upon gravity, or more specifically the awareness of my body and the forces acting upon it. After seeing the success that Hukif and Azul among others have had with this and my own experiences with wonky gravity and different body feelings in my own dreams I feel this will be the most beneficial way for me to go about things. I know it will be a long and complicated road but I will give it a crack anyway.

Similar to me December Dreaming Bootcamp, I'll outline some goals I have for the current year, to keep me motivated and serve as a way to track my progress.


-Write in my dream journal every night, no matter how much or how little I remember

This will be tricky to keep up, but hey, I managed it for the whole of December so it isn't that out of reach. In just the one month I have averaged and extra 1-2 dreams a night thanks to dream journaling, and if that rate of improvement continues I will be very happy. It has also allowed me to gain further insights into the nature of my dreams and what I need to focus on.

-Post on Dreamviews every day
Not only will this help with motivation, it will also help me learn from all the knowledgeable people here and hopefully help others as well with what little I know :).

-Meditate every day
Another tricky goal, however I am determined to pursue it as meditation will form the crux of my daytime work. Knowing how important awareness and mindfulness is for lucidity meditation seems like the best tool to achieve that. I plan to utilize Sivason's sensory awareness meditations in particular focusing on my body, along with interspersed gravity reality checks throughout the day. I also hope to eventually engage in Shamatha and Vipassana meditation, expanding out to concentrate on other parts of myself and then to e aware of my awareness itself.

Lucidity Goals:

-For January, at least 3 lucids, optimistically at least 5
-For February at least 5
-For Autumn (Australian) working up to optimistically at least 7 lucids a month
-For Winter, working up to at least 7 lucids a month, optimistically at least 10 a month
-For Spring and rest of year, working up to consistently having at least 10 lucids a month

I think these goals will provide the right level of difficulty for me to strive to achieve them yet not too much that they are unattainable. These are just guidelines though but ones I wish to achieve anyway.

Along with the aforementioned meditation I shall also transition from my usual finger/hand RC to a more gravity based one, feeling the weight of my body and the forces which are effecting it. This will hopefully bring my awareness of my body into my everyday life, almost like mini meditations throughout the day. I will also still use my finger RC as a backup and alternative. I am also a fan of the 'no technique' method and focusing on purely awareness, so hopefully I wont fall into a technique trap! I may also branch out into doing WILDS and WBTB at some stage but we will see how that goes. I will also experiment with mantras and try to find ones that work well for me. I shall also focus on memory as outlined by Sageous as I have definitely noticed how my memory is switched off in dreams.

I think that just about wraps this up. Thanks for reading through my wall of text, and if you have any suggestions or guides for me feel free to tell me. I will try to post regular updates here of my progress. Lets make 2016 a year to remember! :offtobed:
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via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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