Sunday, December 20, 2015

Just what constitutes “SHTF”?

Whether it is in the pages of this website or countless other places across the Internet the perspective over what constitutes a “SHTF event” is often discussed. Typical characteristics involve power outages, communications down, food shortages, fuel shortages, lawlessness, and economic collapse. Disagreement begins to surface when specifics are put forth.

How will the population react? How much will race play a role? Will civil war break out? Will a top secret government army come out from underground bunkers to institute martial law and go house to house taking guns and food? OK – being a little sarcastic and far-fetched with that last one. My point is a lot of scenario’s are brought up and described by preppers. These people talk about the precise happenings and circumstances like their opinion is fact. When others disagree the discussion elevates to an argument and fighting. I have seen it time and time again.


Someone mentions they just picked up a .30-06 bolt action. A few people say that is a great caliber then the trolls come out stating they should have bought a .308 or a .270. Trolls will mention there is a difference between 7.62 NATO and the .308. They will tell you if you don’t put a Leupold scope on it might as well throw a rock.

Guy mentions he picked up a Glock 17. Quickly the trolls proclaim he might as well use a pellet gun and should upgrade to a .40S&W or 45ACP.

Preppers should unite rather than fight. We have so much more in common than the differences which separate us.

I have no issue with people having opinions but please let’s have some common sense when it comes to predicting the future and be willing to admit the opinion is just that – an opinion. It could also be called a “guess” as to what will occur.

My opinion on what constitutes a SHTF changes from week to week and the specifics around each one changes as well. What I am also willing to admit is I may be totally wrong. I provide an educated guess – not really predicting.

There are so many factors involved it is impossible to state exactly what will happen.  Our best guess is all we can really do and then prepare accordingly.




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