Thursday, December 31, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Did I mess up CAT?

Two weeks ago I started CAT by waking up at 6:30 as I usually woke up at 8. When that didn't work (I was too tired and always fell back to sleep) I changed by wake up time to 9 so I would wake up at 7:30 and be able to get enough sleep. But I still fell asleep after I woke up. I've been doing this on and off for days, I am now trying to wake up at 9 again but I always wake up at 7:30, and yesterday my alarm didn't go off so I woke up at 11!

Did I just completely screw up my clock? Is this a hopeless cause? I am NOT waking up at 5:30, thank you very much. Yesterday morning I did have a lucid dream, but I think it's because I cried so much because everything was just so screwed up (the charge of emotion may have kicked my brain)

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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