Sunday, December 20, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | I might have had my first Lucid Dream! But I'm confused. I may have had a LD, or dreamt about LDing

It's funny how I posted another thread here yesterday (which I can't link because my account is below 3 days old) about "After your first lucid dream does it get easier to have lucid dreams" and now I may have just had one.
It's day 8 on my attempt to have my first lucid dream so I am still very new to this, and very confused about the things I experienced in the following dream.

This dream occurred mid morning, when I went back to bed after having tried WILD 2 consecutive times at 4am only to cause myself to be unable to sleep for the rest of the night.

The dream started off as a small nightmare [albeit it was more of a fear of the unknown]. I'm curious to know whether this may have been an affect of SP that I experienced whilst in a dream.


I was in my kitchen after having apparently been sleeping on one of the chairs in the room. I was woken up by the sound of the handle of the utility room door being pulled down by someone on the inside. I get up, and watch the handle, waiting to see if it moves again. It does, and it startles me. I do 2 things:

•I check to see that the door is locked.
•I attempt to turn off the light in the kitchen.

When I tried to turn the light off by the light switch, it didn't work. There is a secondary light switch in the room and I run over to it in a panic and try to turn off the light from there. Again is didn't work.

So I leave the kitchen, moving down the hallway to go tell someone about what is happening.

Then halfway down the hall, I get a message in my head saying “Light switches not working is a sign”, then I perform a basic RC by looking at my hands. When I do so I can see they are missing, but there is a thin ghostly-white partial outline of where they are meant to be. (It was weird. I never heard of this kind of result for this RC). I calmly say to myself “I am dreaming” and the first thing I do after that is rub my hands together. (Yes I know I said they were missing, but dream logic it seems.)

The inside of the house becomes dark and fuzzy as I start to become aware of my surroundings. I then look to go outside, physically feeling myself walking towards my front door. I open the door and am met by a burst of light and bright colour, mainly florescent green and baby blue. It looks like a bright sunny summer's day outside.

The first thing I do when I get outside is I perform a one-legged hop on the end of my porch and start to fly - being able to feel me push myself upwards. But when I started flying I had an urge to look downwards, but by doing so my field of view starts to go weird and I start to see the ground in a distorted shape and dark green colour. Even whilst not looking at the ground, it felt disorientating.

Is this normal for flying?

I go to land, my supposed lucidity doesn't last long after this though. I get to do a few more things:

•Give myself the 'power' that “Everything I say is the truth”.
•Smell some flowers.
•Attempt to teleport to friend's houses, but it fails. I think it was because I just thought 'teleport' rather than doing that spinning motion that I read about.

I forgot to repeat the “I am dreaming” affirmation throughout the dream, so it felt relatively short. 5-10 minutes at best.

But here's the weird part that has really confused me:

Eventually my supposed lucid dream fades out, and I'm back in the room I started in (the kitchen) and I'm telling someone about all the details of the dream I just had. Then after that I wake up for real. What? Is this what they call a 'false awakening' or something? It definitely has made me doubt whether I had a lucid dream, or dreamt about having a lucid dream.

Thoughts? (and thanks for making it this far, it means a lot).

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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