Sunday, December 6, 2015

SHTF Scenario: Armed man knocks on door and asks for food

Scenario’s are valuable tools to get you thinking about possibilities and corresponding decisions/actions BEFORE being confronted with an actual situation. By reviewing and processing a scenario over and over again in your head the ability to process a real event becomes much less stressful. Less stress = a better chance of making the right decisions.


For this scenario:

It has been 24 hours since the power went out.  Terrorists have stuck at the power grid across the United States causing extreme damage and long term widespread power outages. People are beginning to understanding the severity of the situation and panic.

A man knocks on your front door. Your entire family is home and you are armed. You look out the peephole and see the man is armed. You ask what he wants and he responds – “I am just looking for some food. I ran out of gas and have no cash for food. Can you help?”

power-out (1)


What would you do?



BTW – these scenario’s are presented by one of my group members at our meetings. Makes for some great discussion.


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