Saturday, December 12, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | How Could I Miss 8 LUCID Signs! ... Grrrr

dear oh dear, so last night i have loads of dreams.

Dream 1) I was looking at bubbles in a bath and said to myself 'if i can make these bubbles explode then i must be dreaming' I try to make them explode but they dont so i conclude i must be awake (DAMN - why didnt i just perform my usual nose plug instead!)

Dream 2) I am talking to someone and start to ask them how the do DEILD and i discuss this in length ( DAMN - why didnt i do reality check)

Dream 3) I am in a pub and see 2 people who cannot possibly be there. I think to myself ' i wont bother doing a reality check in case i wake up ( DAMN - WTF!)

I had another 3 similar dreams where my mind was screaming at me to reality check but i didnt act on my instincts

All these dreams within the same hour, all i had to do was a standard reality check to enter a DILD, how could i miss so many chances?

What happened, so frustrating :-(

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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