Monday, December 7, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 8th, 2015

Great responses to the SHTF Scenario published yesterday.

Each and every person reading the scenario is envisioning their own personal interpretation of circumstances, environment, threat level, and events that have transpired over the past 24 hours. 24 hours into a grid down situation brought on by terrorist attacks a man knocks on my door asking for help as he ran out of gas and has no means to purchase fuel or food. At this moment there are no widespread rioting or mass violence. I noticed he is armed as the bottom of his Kydex holster is just beneath his jacket on the right side.

At the knock on my door I exited through the back door with my M&P9 in my hand, through the fence – and came up unnoticed on his left side. He was a bit startled as I asked him what he wanted. He turned and said – “Excuse me…..I am in a desperate situation. My car ran out of gas up the road outside the neighborhood. I stopped by the BP and the Shell stations but both were closed. I have no cash. I am hungry and just looking for some help. Every house I stop at has ignored me – except you obviously.” He smiled slightly with the last statement.

I asked, “Where are you trying to go?”

“Charlotte.”, he responded.

Using my own personal judgement he seemed sincere. He is also a fellow American citizen from all appearances trying to get back to his family. He is 30 miles away from his destination.

I told him, “Here is the deal. I don’t know you. I also know you are armed. I am sorry for the predicament you are in however understand that if I am to help you I need you to remove your firearm until our business is over. Remove it from its holster using your left hand and place it on the grass. I will help you after that.” I also had him lift his jacket and I inspected for other firearms.

He did as I requested. We exchanged names. He told me that he was coming back from a business trip when the attack occurred. He almost made it home. I proved him one MRE and 2 gallons of fuel. I unloaded his pistol and removed the slide. I handed the components back to him in a grocery store bag and told him he could put it back together once he exited the neighborhood. He agreed and left with the gas can. He seemed EXTREMELY appreciative.

By the way – I had noticed him walking up the street through the neighborhood. My son has been upstairs taking watch moving back and forth between the front and the back of the house and alerted us well before he arrived. He noticed that the man was not with anyone else. He stopped at a few other houses – none of whom answered even though someone was home.

Although there has been no widespread violence it is coming. I know this. During the man’s visit I kept my distance and never turned my back on him. The entire time my pistol remained in my right hand. The purpose of giving him the pistol in parts was to ensure that – should my instincts be wrong and the man had ill intentions – he could not quickly reassemble the pistol and use it against me.

As stated – this is how the scenario played out in my head. There is no right and wrong answer.








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