Sunday, December 20, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 21st, 2015

Hope everyone had a great weekend.

I started several years ago to connect with likeminded people. The tag I have used since its inception has been “Thoughts on Survival and the World Today”. I believe it has been accurate. Every so often I receive an email from someone complaining about talking politics, or even my personal life as they expect me to provide them preparedness information and that’s all. As I have said many times it is my website and I will post whatever I want. I am taking my time and my money to provide content and keep it going.

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Over the next week I have a few things going on and if willing would appreciate your prayers to provide me the wisdom and clarity to make good decisions.  I have an opportunity to fund a land purchase. This land would be well in the country and would eventually be set up as my family’s retreat.  Getting the land is the first step and I should know something within the next 10-14 days.

This is an immensely tough decision and does not go without risk. It is also extremely exciting. Due to this project my time is going to be short thus posting during this time will be at a minimum.

I will be checking emails and will still post periodically. Appreciate your understanding.

Take care all –





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