Wednesday, December 9, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – December 10th, 2015

The controversy surrounding Trumps comments about disallowing Muslims into the country continues to spread through the news media, social media, and the office water cooler. Trump is being compared to Hitler – a man who is responsible for the senseless murder of millions of Jews. I think the comparison is more than ridiculous.

When I first heard his comments I was taken aback. I guess I have been socially brainwashed like most people. Then I took some time to consider just what he is suggesting. I also remembered he is not politician and does not speak in the polished manner as all the other candidates. Just what is he suggesting anyways?


From Trump’s plan would block Muslims from entering the United States, with an exception for U.S. citizens who are Muslim, who would come and go as they wish. He has said he hopes the ban “will go quickly,” as soon as “our leaders figure out what the hell is going on.”

“If a person is a Muslim, goes overseas and comes back, they can come back. They’re a citizen. That’s different,” Trump told “Good Morning America” Tuesday. “But we have to figure things out.”


I don’t see the problem. This is the opposite approach of Germany who plans to take in millions. It is proven that our current vetting process of Muslim’s immigrating to this country is far from effective(Boston bombing/San Bernardino). These are non-American citizens.

Maybe a complete ban is unwarranted.  Maybe there are countries where their governments provide sufficient information on its citizens that the vetting process would be satisfactory. The reality of the world we live in is we are in a war against radical Islam. They have openly admitted they will use immigration as a means to enter the United States to carry out jihad. Seems like a very just and logical thing to do. What is the alternative? Allow in potential threats that will shoot up schools, malls – and kill innocent people?

The point is if we are not sure if someone is safe to let in this country they should not come in. It doesn’t matter what their religion is. We do not have to be killed to show how tolerant a country we are.

Interesting – President Carter banned Iranians from entering the United States during the Iranian hostage crisis. He also ordered over 7,000 Iranian students deported as their visas were not up to date.

But hey…..what do I know?








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