Friday, May 1, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Awareness during gaming

Now I know you should do everything in moderation and sometimes take a step back from what you're doing to stay aware of your surroundings.
But sometimes you just get so caught up in something that it just doesn't happen.

Like I recently started playing Skyrim again and I like to roleplay the character during the game. And now in my dreams I start finding myself in the world of Skyrim more and more.
The problem is that during waking life I would take some breaks remember what I was doing where and when. But those reality checks and moments of awareness take place away from the game.
And in the dreams I act as in the game, completely lost of my surroundings. So do any of you have had this issue before with any other activity?
Maybe I should try and be more aware of my surroundings during playing. But then again that takes away from the experience.

Maybe I should let my character do in-game reality check, haha.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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