Thursday, May 21, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Which is better for induction - critical-awareness or self-awareness?

The reason I ask:

If someone was to use critical awareness most of the time (like one of those “all-day” type RC such as gravity, breathing etc.) they would perhaps (which much time and effort) develop an almost second nature ability to decipher between dreams and reality based on these things.


This makes sense, and I can see how it would be undoubtedly beneficial to inducing LD’s in the long-term, but I've had many LD's from just “knowing”, which (I presume) were based on daytime mindfulness and self-awareness activities, like just trying not to be on “auto-pilot” during the day. This is fine as well, but I don’t know if this would become easier with time in the same way as the critical awareness and become “second nature” in a way that will help you distinguish dreams and reality (I could be wrong, as I haven’t kept it up for long enough).

Both have benefits, but I wonder which is the best route?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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