Sunday, May 17, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 18th, 2015

The site was down most of the weekend. Cause was the periodic “ping attack”. Unfortunately it took Hostgator quite a while to get the attacker blocked. Usually customer service and tech support is fantastic. I wouldn’t change hosting companies for anything as they have done great over the years.

Due to the severe downtime I am WAY behind writing and scheduling things for the week. Please keep that in mind.

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Spent some time with my brother and nephew. Have not seen my brother in a while  – log overdue for a visit. Going to try to make a trip to Georgia very soon to get more trigger time in and see him as well.

I know he is so upset I got all the looks in the family.

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Things are coming up nicely in the garden. We have received very little rain in last two week here in SC and one of my rain barrels is almost empty while the other is 3/4 full. If this was a critical SHTF situation where I was really depending on this garden for food all of my rain water would be gone. Reason being is I would have A LOT more stuff planted thus more watering. I need more rain barrels.

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Picked up another 14 foot pool which will be set up mid-June as some landscaping is being done now.Had one last summer but had to move it/throw it away due to its location. This one we will likely leave up. Will be good to have an additional 3000 gallons or so in storage.

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I know there have been some issues recently with pricing accuracy of some books I list for Amazon. They change their pricing very often which makes things difficult. I try to place a statement about this but I can understand why it would be frustrating to see an ebook that would be free and then find they are $2.99.

Sorry about that – doing the best I can. Hey – even $2.99 isn’t bad.

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Here is a quick and easy poll on whether or not you use a Kindle or Kindle software to read books:




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I continue onward with Book 7 of the 299 Days series. I love it! Continues to be a very plausible story of just how I believe the collapse will happen.

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Hope everyone has a great week!



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