Tuesday, May 12, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 13th, 2015

There are times when I sit in my living room and my mind wanders to the things I am ignorant of. The experiences other humans have had in war, terror, and things unimaginable – I can only ponder. The sheer evil that I and most others have been sheltered from…well…..we need to be enlightened for our own good. This evil will not remain overseas and there are many indications our borders have been well infiltrated.

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I have been called an “alarmist” and a “fear monger” numerous times. I find it amazing as compared to many – even like-minded friends – I am fairly tame. I respect others opinions and do not actively attack those that fail to agree with mine. Well – that is not true. It depends on the method which someone expresses their opinion.

I’ll provide a couple examples:

Abortion: When a Liberal comes out and expresses unfettered support for abortion for any reason – well – I struggle to respect that opinion. What is amazing is more often than not those very same people who support abortion are totally against capital punishment and would hang you by your skivvies should you affect a single Delta smelt fish in California.

Hillary: Hillary Clinton recently came out in a speech that was very anti-religious citing that “Deep-seated cultural codes, religious beliefs, and structural biases have to be changed.” In other words – people that have religious beliefs about, well, pretty much anything must change their opinion because they do not agree with the Liberal, Progressive agenda.


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I am looking forward to the Sun Oven Patriots Webinar tonight. It is going to be very educational.

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On the lighter side……


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via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1cuLLxq

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