Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Phrasing your reality check question

Lately I've been having many near-lucid dreams where a lot of weird stuff happens, I acknowledge it's weird, but I never make the connection that it's weird because I'm dreaming. So obviously, my cognition is impaired. One possible solution I've thought of to help rectify that is to change the wording of doing reality checks from "Am I dreaming?" to "Am I lucid?" Why? Because "Am I lucid?" returns the same answer whether I'm awake or asleep. In fact, the answer can never be "no" because by asking the question you attain lucidity. My hope is that when I dream and weird stuff happens, I'll ask myself, "Am I lucid?" and that alone will cause me to be lucid. My fear is that it'll become too subtle, so that I might have a lucid non-lucid dream, whereby I am hyper-aware of my dream surroundings, yet still remain oblivious to the fact I'm dreaming. Anyone else play with different ways to do reality checks? Does one way work better for you than another way? And why do you think it's better?

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity http://ift.tt/1K3IMub

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