Sunday, May 10, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 11th, 2015


Man – this year is flying by.

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Was asked by reader George about firearm magazine storage – both loaded and empty. He was curious if I knew of any good storage systems. I have to admit that beyond having loaded magazines in a couple of vests/pouches  – my empties reside in a cardboard box inside a plastic tote along with other defensive supplies.


I have had my eye on a MTM Tactical Mag can which holds 15 magazines. Looks to be a great way to organize, store, and transport magazines. Anyone have any experience with the Tactical Mag can?

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It is amazing that Tom Brady and his involvement in “deflategate” is getting more attention from the public than Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server and her wiping it clean.

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One of the biggest drawbacks of not having cable or satellite is not watching the news. I do listen to it on my satellite radio in my Jeep when I am driving. It is not infrequent that I get asked if I get about “this” or “that” and I haven’t. It takes me a day or two to catch up checking out Internet news sites.

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Just saw that A. American – author of the Going Home book series  – has recently released a Kindle-only book. It is called “Ramblin Man“. It is a shorter story at 130 words and cost only $1.99.

Anyone read it yet?








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