Sunday, May 10, 2015

Lucid Dreaming | Breaking a long dry spell ?

I've now had a dry spell that lasted over 3 months , partly self - induced because I thought I'd take a break because I was trying too hard. I stopped doing my DJ, and slowly my recall worsened to the point that I only had snippets each night. I used to recall 2 or 3 dreams a night before that . I've just started my DJ again but want to get the basics down. I maybe need to try something different?
Already after only a few days of re-starting my DJ my recall has improved.
Anyway, any encouragement is very welcome.
what advice would you give to me trying to get back into it?
I've had over 30 LD's, but only 2 decent long ones.

via Lucid Dreaming - Dream Views - Attaining Lucidity

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