Monday, May 25, 2015

Rourke’s Weekly Recommendations

Every week I throw out a few recommendations on things such as movies, books, knives, flashlights – all kinds of stuff. Some of these are not related to preparedness whatsoever – rather, just stuff I like. Most are available on Amazon but not all. I have a particular fondness for movies as one of my favorite things to do is to sit back and watch a good one.

So – for this week……here is my list:

Books (non-fiction)

LDS Preparedness Manual

Countdown to Preparedness: The Prepper’s 52 Week Course

The Ultimate Shooting Skills Manual


Books (fiction)

The Borrowed WorldNEW!

Omega Days(zombie fiction)

Disaster in the Burbs – Jerry D. Young



Columbo: The Complete Series – a classic

Jurassic Park Trilogy

The Ten Commandments



MTM Underground Survival Cache

MTM Tactical Magazine Can – this is a great idea

MTM Ammunition/Survival Crate



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