Tuesday, May 5, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 6th, 2015

I just watched the movie America: Imagine the World Without Her again. This was the 5th time and was still excellent. It does an great job suggesting how the world would be a much different place without America. The movie also displays several myths that are known and taught in public schools as fact. Recommended.

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Not sure how long this will last but Amazon has the standard Kindle on sale for $59.00. This is $20 off and ships free. I am a huge Kindle fan. There are tons of survival and preparedness books and ebooks available for free and close to free. Super long battery life and quick charging. Great stuff!

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I like Ben Carson for President. You’ll never find a candidate that is perfect or that can be agreed with on everything. For everyone who ever said they are sick of career politicians and wants someone different he is certainly a good option.

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I will be seeing Avengers 2 this weekend. Can’t wait looks to be great.

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Recent trip to SAM’s I saw they were selling a 3D printer. Looked really cool and useful. Costs are coming down. The ability to make a variety of parts and tools…..fantastic technology.








via ModernSurvivalOnline.com http://ift.tt/1OYYme0

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