Thursday, May 28, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 29th, 2015


Happy Birthday Mom. You are missed so much.

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There was quite a response on the guest post yesterday A Basic Bug-In Plan.  Both D. and author Jonathan Hollerman chimed in opposition to the article. Others were very supportive. Figured I would provide my own take.

I think preppers prepare for one reason – to live. It’s really that simple. They want to live. They want their family and maybe friends to be safe and secure.  Sometimes that outlook that something bad may happen so we will just “prepare” for it clouds our senses of reality. Guess what…..things will not always work out no matter what kind of preparation are made ahead of time.

Hate to be a downer but I continue…..

I think the article offers many great preparedness suggestions and ideas. What I have issue with is the premise that bugging in during a SHTF/WROL situation within a major city is OK and a good idea. It’s not. Now – it very well might be the best you can do and if that is the case just understand it. If you are surrounded by a panicked population of unprepared people, well, that is a recipe for disaster. The best idea would be to relocate.

Reality Check: This “SHTF” situation the author mentions and many of us prepare for? Well – it may not ever happen. That is the truth. Within each of our lifetime things just might end up palm trees and ocean breeze. Then again… may not. Thus – we prepare for the unknown.

A Basic Bug-In Plan” provides great preparation ideas for the right scenarios. If everyone in the country took the author’s advice we as a nation would be much more prepared than we currently are.

D. and Jonathan’s comments may seem a little brash or harsh. Yeah – I would agree with that but the question is are they accurate?

I believe they are based on the criteria the author sets up right from the start of the article. If I lived in a city the size mentioned in the article my plan would be to get out. In a city with half a million starving people having no idea where their next meal is coming from would not be where I would want to be.

Take the good ideas from the article and leave the rest.

Appreciate EVERYONE who commented.

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Taking a buddy out to a range tomorrow. He has never shot a gun. Ever. I am looking forward to his introduction on exercising his 2nd Amendment Rights and setting a foundation of safety with him. Breakfast at Nichol’s Store at 9:00am then to the range at 10:00. In the area? Feel free to stop by and say , “Hi!”.

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Just got word of a few special deals from that are for MSO readers only:

Outdoor Camo Backpack – $23.99 Free Shipping –

UltraFire Battery Combo Pack – $9.99 with promo code: E06GB & Free Shipping –  This is a great deal!

GLAREE IPX6 LED Lantern  – $12.99 with coupon code: GLAREEGB with Free Shipping –

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Have a great weekend everybody!!




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