Monday, May 25, 2015

From the Desk of John Rourke – May 26th, 2015

Risk Assessment – something apparently I need to improve on.

A tree limb fell and pierced the roof of my shed. I decided to climb up on the shed, remove the large limb, and place a tarp over the area to protect it during rain storms. The ladder I own I found was just a bit short. Did that stop me? Hell no I am a man and I must conquer!! I climbed the ladder, placed my foot on a nearby tree to give me a boost – and up on the roof I went.

…..and down on the ground I fell.

Sometimes risk assessment escapes us. I was told that most men fail to develop the ability to assess risk until around age 25. We believe we are invincible and nothing will happen. As we get older we value our life more and our experiences tell us that we are fragile beings. I guess I reverted back to my teenage years thinking nothing would happen – but if it did no problem! I would simply do a double backflip, bounce off the tree and gently land on my feet due to my years of ninjitsu training.

Oh well – some soreness and a minor headache.

Hmmmm…..wonder if I can still skateboard?

Here is the view I had laying on the ground:



Be safe out there folks……







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